Thursday, March 24, 2011

freedom of speech occasionally sucks

But I wouldn't take it away. I'm referring to this cnn article.

I'll admit that I am Mormon, but this isn't really religion-specific. Freedom of speech reserves the right for the South Park creators to make fun of Mormonism to the point of slander/libel. It also reserves the right for the persecuted to react and defend themselves, but in this case, the damage done by the musical is probably too great for a church's defense.

Some people who strongly dislike religion may believe that a religion is wacky or ridiculous and thus deserves ridicule; however, I strongly believe that any belief system that does not harm others deserves respect as a credible calculus. This musical is bound to be anything but respectful.

I wouldn't do away with the freedom of speech, but this is just one of those instances when personal discretion has failed and the freedom has extended a bit into the sphere of harming others.