Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a few things that are bothering me right now

1. I have lost my miniature stapler which I cannot live without.

2. I am completely lost in math right now, like in outer space.  And the sad thing is that we are doing Bayesian inference, which I have been theoretically doing for my job since last Spring.

3. Since eighth grade geometry, every time I am afforded the opportunity to walk the hypotenuse of  a right triangle rather than around the other two sides, I do so. and I usually think to myself "the hypotenuse of a right triangle is shorter than the sum of its other two sides" which really annoys me.  Anyway, it seems to me of course that I do that *every* time I am faced with this situation, because every time that I consciously remember, I was conscious enough to think that.  The question is whether I do it unconsciously, or whether I have ever really been that unconscious of encountering a right triangle.  See, I don't know if I do that *all* the time because I have no way of recording my unconscious actions.  So in a way I don't know a large part of myself, which is still more annoying.

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